Philodendron Jungle Boogie

Philodendron Jungle Boogie

$30.00 Sale Save
Size 6"

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Philodendron Jungle Boogie

This philodendron can reach a height of up to three feet.  It has jagged leaves that can turn green to pink.  This plant is poisonous.  Fertilize every month during the spring through fall with a water soluble fertilizer.  


 - Bright indirect light.  Lower light leaves turn dark green.


- Warm temperatures above 55 degrees.  Keep away from drafts and open doors.

- Grows best in rich, slightly alkaline soil

- Moist soil-during the winter, water less often, keeping the soil barely moist.

- Native to South America

* Like all philodendron, can be toxic if ingested by humans or pets.