Sierra Honey California Angeles Forest: Black Sage 12 Ounces

Sierra Honey California Angeles Forest: Black Sage 12 Ounces

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Sierra Honey California Angeles Forest: Black Sage 12 Ounces

Sage honey, produced in Southern California, is made from nectar of any of the herbs of the genus Salvia. A unique taste, smell, and color accompany each variety, depending on the characteristics of the nectar This honey varietal derived primarily from Black Sage (Salvia mellifera) a nectar was harvested in late June at our apiaries  in the Angeles and Padres National Forests. It is available in 12 ounce glass jars. The harvest date, apiary location, and primary nectar source(s) are written on the label.

We never heat our honey over natural hive temperatures (under 100°), and we only filter it minimally, so it may include pollen and small wax particles. 


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Sierra Honey California Angeles Forest: Black Sage 12 Ounces

Sage honey, produced in Southern California, is made from nectar of any of the herbs of the genus Salvia. A unique taste, smell, and color accompany each variety, depending on the characteristics of the nectar This honey varietal derived primarily from Black Sage (Salvia mellifera) a nectar was harvested in late June at our apiaries  in the Angeles and Padres National Forests. It is available in 12 ounce glass jars. The harvest date, apiary location, and primary nectar source(s) are written on the label.

We never heat our honey over natural hive temperatures (under 100°), and we only filter it minimally, so it may include pollen and small wax particles.