Plant a tree and get $100!

You can receive up to $500 for planting trees at your house in Los Angeles through the Metropolitan Water District Turf replacement program.  The MWD will pay $100 per tree with a limit of 5 trees.

Rebate requirements:

- Trees need be planted within the turf replacement project area.

- Purchase a 15 Gallon pot.

- Trees need to grow at least 15 feet tall and 10 feet wide at maturity. 

- Fruit trees are eligible for residential projects.

Trees that are not eligible are: 

- Woody plants like tree-looking shrubs used to create hedges around a property.

- Plants bred or pruned to maintain a reduced canopy. Topiary, espaliered, or pollarded trees or shrubs are not elligible.

- Small weeping varieties with soft branches hanging downward and touching the ground.

- Trees without spreading canopies that do not provide substantial shade or shelter when fully grown.

- All invasive tree species listed by the  California Invasive Plant Council at

- Palm trees

Here is a list of eligible trees you can plant to receive the rebate: