Hazardia squarrosa, Sawtooth Goldenbush
Sawtooth Goldenbush
A California Native shrub that grows up to eight feet tall and wide. It is semi deciduous in the summer. Yellow flowers bloom spring through fall. It can be found inland and in coastal chaparral habitats throughout all of California.
Plant with: Sagebrush (Artemisia californica or palmeri), Viguiera (Bahiopsis laciniata), Dudleya sp., Brittlebush (Encelia californica), Buckwheat (Eriogonum sp.), Yucca (HerperoYucca whipplei or Yucca shidigera), Lupine (Lupinus sp.), Sticky Monkeyflower (Mimulus aurantiacus), Bladderpod (Peritoma arborea), Scrub Oak (Quercus dumosa or berberidifolia), Sage (Salvia sp.), and various cactus species
- Plant in full sun to part shade
- Best in fast to medium draining sandy soil
- Water once a month once established
- Attracts birds, butterflies and bees
- Hardy up to 5 degrees
-Native to California
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Sawtooth Goldenbush
A California Native shrub that grows up to eight feet tall and wide. It is semi deciduous in the summer. Yellow flowers bloom spring through fall. It can be found inland and in coastal chaparral habitats throughout all of California.
Plant with: Sagebrush (Artemisia californica or palmeri), Viguiera (Bahiopsis laciniata), Dudleya sp., Brittlebush (Encelia californica), Buckwheat (Eriogonum sp.), Yucca (HerperoYucca whipplei or Yucca shidigera), Lupine (Lupinus sp.), Sticky Monkeyflower (Mimulus aurantiacus), Bladderpod (Peritoma arborea), Scrub Oak (Quercus dumosa or berberidifolia), Sage (Salvia sp.), and various cactus species
- Plant in full sun to part shade
- Best in fast to medium draining sandy soil
- Water once a month once established
- Attracts birds, butterflies and bees
- Hardy up to 5 degrees
-Native to California