Rubus ursinus, Blackberry Staked in 1 Gallon
Rubus ursinus, Blackberry in nature by Plant Material
Rubus ursinus, Blackberry Staked in 1 Gallon
Rubus ursinus, Blackberry in nature by Plant Material

Rubus ursinus, Blackberry

$13.00 Sale Save
Size 1 Gallon

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Scientific name: Rubus ursinus

Common name: Pacific Blackberry

A shrubby vine that can reach up to six feet tall and eight feet wide.  It is fast growing!  The vines are prickly so pick blackberry's with caution.  Fragrant white flowers bloom in the spring.  It will produce fruit the second year of growth.  The leaves can be used for a medicinal tea.  This species is not aggressive.  It is also great for erosion control along creeks.  

It is best to prune in the winter when the plant is dormant to control the shape. 

Plant with: 

Use under trees such as Pines (Pinus sp.), Firs (Abies sp.), Oaks (Quercus sp.), Madrone (Arbutus sp.), Cottonwoods (Populus sp.), and Willows (Salix sp.), and with shrubs such as Dogwood (Cornus sp.), wild Roses (Rosa sp.), and Currant/Gooseberry (Ribes sp.)


- Best in full sun, part shade, full shade

- Needs moderate high moisture

- Attracts birds and butterflies

- Deer resistant

- Fire resistant

- Great for erosion control and bank stabilization

- Native to California